This place will always be 'home'. The place where I became the person I am. I've lived and learned so much here in 27 short years. And although I still have many more years left to live, and many more chapters to write, it causes an ache in my heart to put a period on this page.
This land of the midnight sun gets under your skin. Works it's way into every part of you. You can't help but love it here. With the wide open spaces. The never ending sun. Even the never ending cold. Because even when the temperature outside is frigid, the snow glistens like diamonds on all the trees. And the yard. And maybe even that broke down vehicle in your neighbors yard next door.
Here is where I've made friends I will have for the rest of my life. Here I go to the grocery store and 9/10 times I run into someone I know. And even if I haven't seen them in a while we stand there in everyone's way and do a little catching up.
Here I found so many different kinds of 'families'.
My church family:
Do you know how awesome it is to walk into church every Sunday and feel comfortable? To have numerous people come up to say 'hi' and ask how you are. To learn so much and grow by being around people who's faith, at times, lifts and strengthens your own. I was honored to teach little children. And now it's been a few years and they've gone on and had other teachers, but they still come up and give me hugs. I tell you it makes my day every time! To have these precious little angels, who honestly taught me more than I ever taught them, care for me. That's is not something easily duplicated.
My Mary Kay family:
I was a shy, quiet, self conscious person before Mary Kay found me. And through the love and encouragement of women who were, for a while, strangers to me, I grew into someone else. Someone I'm proud to be for my daughters. My Mary Kay sisters are the best there are. Always there with words of encouragement, applause and the best hugs ever! I shudder to think about the insecure person I use to be. The person I would still be if not for them. They've taught me to dream and to aspire. That's it's ok to want to be more. To achieve more. I'm going to miss seeing their faces every week.
My Crossfit family:
For me, loving a mass group of people is hard to do. But I sure love my CF family. They never let you give up. Never let you give anything but your 110%! They're always smiling when you walk in the door. Genuinely happy to see you. Even if sometimes you blind them with your insanely bright color choices. I went in for a workout, and I left with friends. I'm not just just stronger on the outside....
I've experienced the good, the bad, and the very ugly here. But I wouldn't change it. Because everything made me better, made me stronger. This is a place where if your home is on fire, you can run down the road to a neighbor and they take you in. A place where strangers will stop in the middle of winter and help you change a tire. Or a guy will burn his hand trying to get snow out of your engine after you've gone in the ditch. Alaska is full of such down to earth good people.
I'm going to miss watching my girls play on my Dads wide open lawn. Running and screaming with joy. Or walking across the street and knowing there's someone to talk to when I'm having a bad day. Or a good day. Or just an in between day. Waking up in the morning on a clear day and being welcomed by the most beautiful mountains I've ever seen. Enjoying the beauty of a plant I can't touch. Even my stupid little house. That I thought I would be happy to leave. But my heart strings tug a little. Nic and I built this home. Us. Together. And now it belongs to someone else.
I love this place. The choice to leave is the right one. God is directing our path and we're staying the course. But even though I'm leaving this place, a piece of my heart will always remain here.
I am going to miss you. I will ach for your girls. And when I DONT say good bye I hope you know it's not because I don't care. But simply cause my heart can't.