Our family

Our family

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I am blessed.

I have wonderful children. I keep being reminded by my daughter. I'm sure that all parents have moments when they wonder if they are raising their kids right, or if they are screwing them up. I have these moments a lot. I started my family younger than most people. And there are people who thought I was crazy. But then there are moments like today that remind me that I'm not crazy. I'm blessed. Today as we were driving Savannah asked me when Jesus was coming back. Well all that could be said was, 'not right now'. 'But he'll come someday'. And to this she replies, 'well I hope he comes soon, I wanna see him'. She makes my heart melt. She can drive me insane, but at the same time, she warms my heart. She is a beautiful spirit. The Lord had given me wonderful girls. I'm sitting here watching Evelyn sleep, and all I can think is how beautiful she is. And I went in a few minutes ago to check on savannah, pulled the covers back on her and thought the same thing. How is it I got so lucky? The Lord put these spirits in my home. He gave them to me to call my own. I get on my knees every day and thank the Lord for these gifts. I think about what they will become. And it's also kinda scary knowing that who thEy are is a reflection of me and what I've taught them. Scary. I'm a deeply flawed person. How do I make sure I raise them right? How do I keep theirs hands held fast to the rod? But also, how do I raise them to be good people? Kind people. Loving people. How do I make it through the teenage years? Holy crap, I remember what I was like. I've got 2 girls. I've heard girls tell their parents they hate them. I never did that, but what do I do if my children say those words to me? Does that then mean that I've failed them? I love my sweet babies with all of my heart. They are my everything. I pray everyday that I can be the mother that the Lord would have me be. To raise my children in his image.


  1. You truly are blessed Katelyn. That is one of my biggest fears when it comes to children. I'm so worried that I will screw them up.

    I think you are doing a fine job with your girls. I remember what I was like as a teenager too. I wish I could give you advice but I am not at that chapter in my life yet. All I can say is keep doing what you're doing. Because it seems to be working :)

  2. You have a beautiful family Katelyn. And just as you are blessed to have them, they are equally as blessed to have you for their mama. You're doing fine ~ keep loving them, keep expressing your gratitude, and keep hitting your knees ~ it won't be worry free, but you'll all make it through! I'm proud of you and I love you.

  3. Well, if I had a teenage girl say that she hates me, ( I have come close to this. I have had students tell me that they hate me. More of them tell me they love me though.) I would tell her, "and I love you." I would simply explain to her that I care about her and that the reason I am treating her this way is because I want her safe.
    You are doing a good job. I wouldn't worry too much. Don't be hard on yourself. Your girls are fed, clothed and taught the gospel and also are being prepared for school by reading books and playing games. Those are sooooo important and not many people know it. You interact with them. A lot of people don't and it shows in the schools. It is sooo sad.
