Our family

Our family

Friday, December 31, 2010


Well I've got internet again, so I can post some Christmas pics. We had a nice Christmas. We spent it out at my Dad's house. Which I always love going to. It was a nice laid back day with awesome gifts, yummy breakfast and delicious dinner. I felt blessed to be surounded by my family. I was sad that 2 people were missing. Momma B and Grandma Flora. They were in Anchorage because Grandma needed open heart surgery. She did wonderfuly and they are now home. So we get to have another Christmas so we can exchange gifts with them. Always fun!

her sleeping bag

she did pretty good opening her presents

my new peacoat. :)


  1. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! How fun! And by the way, I LOVE the peacoat!

  2. Oh thank you! I love peacoats. He got me one a couple years ago as well.
